Saving and Loading Preprocessed Model

All Happy Transformer objects, such as HappyTextClassification() and HappyGeneration() contain functionality that allow models to be saved and loaded.


The method used to save models. It contains a single argument.


  1. path: a file path to a directory to save various files. Any previous files of the same names as created files will be overwritten. We recommend that you use an empty directory.

Example 8.0

from happytransformer import HappyGeneration
# ---------------------------------------------------------
happy_gen = HappyGeneration(model_type="GPT-NEO", model_name="EleutherAI/gpt-neo-125M")"model/")

Loading a model

When initializing a Happy Transformer object, provide a path for the model_name parameter.

Example 8.1

from happytransformer import HappyGeneration
# ---------------------------------------------------------
happy_gen = HappyGeneration(model_type="GPT-NEO", model_name="model/")